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Topic: Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea
Posted by: Colm Costello
Date/Time: 30/05/11 23:50:00

Hi George

It never ceases to amaze me how many people believe what Cllr Mahfouz actually says.

If this scheme had not existed, the rates would have most likely increased anyways, as they did every six months over the four years we were in power, from 19% to over 38%.

The scheme has not achieved what it set out to do, which was to increase participation rates. Spending the £110k knocking on the doors of those who do not recycle at all would have increased participation rates and the amount recycled, so there would be less rubbish going to landfill, and the saving would have been even greater than the £231k that Cllr Mahfouz refers to, especially if you focussed this effort in the worst performing wards, maybe the western ones as you referred to them

Cllr Mahfouz has spent £30k promoting himself and running the scheme, and another £80k on prize money that will be spent on schemes that will do nothing to increase recycling participation rates in the borough.

It's a poorly thought out scheme. I want recycling to increase because I hate waste, and this is not how you increase the numbers participating. It was a gimmick George

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea30/05/11 12:11:00 Colm Costello
   Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea30/05/11 16:16:00 Moira Bourne
   Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea30/05/11 20:58:00 Ben Owen
      Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea30/05/11 23:05:00 George Knox
         Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea30/05/11 23:50:00 Colm Costello
            Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 01:09:00 George Knox
               Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 07:43:00 Colm Costello
      Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea30/05/11 23:37:00 Colm Costello
         Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 07:20:00 Dan Chalk
            Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 12:04:00 George Knox
               Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 12:20:00 Colm Costello
                  Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 12:45:00 George Knox
                     Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 13:01:00 Colm Costello
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 13:17:00 George Knox
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 22:46:00 Colm Costello
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea01/06/11 09:29:00 George Knox
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea01/06/11 09:36:00 Colm Costello
               Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea01/06/11 09:17:00 Tony Wood
                  Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea01/06/11 09:27:00 Colm Costello
         Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 13:35:00 Ben Owen
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 14:39:00 Colm Costello
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 15:44:00 Ben Owen
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 17:11:00 Colm Costello
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Recycling rewards results. Gimmick or genius idea31/05/11 22:21:00 Ben Owen
   Why not clean up the Walpole Park Ponds?31/05/11 21:56:00 Marc Races
      Re:Alternative use of recycling initiative money - why probably not that simple02/06/11 10:09:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Inteersting piece of Recycling News just in03/06/11 17:36:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Inteersting piece of Recycling News just in07/06/11 08:55:00 Colm Costello

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