Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game
Posted by: Colm Costello
Date/Time: 08/01/11 12:19:00


I'm not sure how involved you are in local government or local politics, but I will assume your involvement is not great, because if you were very involved, you wouldn't make the statement that you made when you said, "why didn't your administration simply levy a lower council tax for the financial year, thus avoiding the expense or returning money".

How would you do that. You have to cut it or increase it by a fixed % for every band. Tell me how you wold do this SIMPLY, as you said it would be. Please explain.  Anyways, I'm fairly sure we were told it would be illegal to use the windfall to cut council tax, but not illegal to return the money to it's tightful owners, the council taxpayers, remember them?

Had we cut council tax, you would have accused us of bribing the electorate anyways, so whatever we did could be interpreted as a bribe.

The timing had more to do with the council receiving a windfall when it did, coupled with an underspend in that year too, than it did with the fact that there was an election the following year. I don't expect the cycnics to believe that, but that is what happened. We had to make a decision then, in that fiscal year, because that's when the underspend occured and that's when we received the windfall.

You and others seem to be suggesting that Labour only agreed to it because they were afraid of what we would say in our leaflets, in other words you think they lied to the electorate because they never believed it was a good idea in the first place, but didn't have the courage to say so. So they won their election with a lie. Are you saying this Robin

You have made no attempt to answer the point I made.
Why, when the council didn't spend all the money it had said it would spend in that fisacl year, why shouldn't the council taxpayers be given the money that's leftover (plus the windfall)at a time when they were probably struggling.

Why do you ignore their struggles Robin.

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      Re:Re:Day centres to close23/09/10 23:20:00 Peter Chadburn
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         Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close29/09/10 20:05:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close29/09/10 21:16:00 Alan Brainsby
   Re:Day centres to close30/09/10 13:41:00 Libby Kemp
      Re:Re:Day centres to close30/09/10 16:05:00 Peter Chadburn
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            Re:Day centres to close 03/01/11 23:46:00 Philippa Bond
               The Blame Game04/01/11 12:57:00 Robin Taylor
                  Re:The Blame Game05/01/11 11:22:00 Phil Taylor
                     Re:Re:The Blame Game05/01/11 14:38:00 Robin Taylor
                  Re:The Blame Game06/01/11 19:43:00 Rosa Popham
                     Re:Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 00:02:00 Robin Taylor
                        Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 01:56:00 Rosa Popham
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 12:59:00 Robin Taylor
                              The Blame Game07/01/11 15:41:00 George Knox
                                 Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 21:56:00 Colm Costello
                                    Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 11:15:00 Robin Taylor
                                       Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 12:19:00 Colm Costello
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 13:50:00 Robin Taylor
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 14:21:00 Colm Costello
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 17:38:00 George Knox
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 18:37:00 Colm Costello
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game09/01/11 18:29:00 Rosa Popham
                                                         The Blame Game11/01/11 12:22:00 George Knox
                                                            Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 12:54:00 Robin Taylor
                                                               Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 13:20:00 Phil Taylor
                                                                  The Blame Game11/01/11 14:08:00 George Knox
                                                            Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 16:19:00 Colm Costello
                                                               Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 16:49:00 George Knox
                                                                  Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 17:23:00 Colm Costello
                                                                     The Blame Game11/01/11 18:30:00 George Knox
                                                                        Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 19:07:00 Colm Costello
                                                                           Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 20:20:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                              Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 22:49:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game12/01/11 09:47:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game12/01/11 11:22:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 01:27:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 09:22:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                             The Blame Game13/01/11 10:34:00 George Knox
                                                                                                Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 15:42:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                   Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 20:34:00 George Knox
                                                                                                   Re:Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 18:03:00 Thomas Hillyard
                                                                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 20:56:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 22:24:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 22:43:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 23:05:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 12:57:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 17:51:00 Thomas Hillyard
                                                                                                The Blame Game14/01/11 18:40:00 George Knox
                                                                                                   Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 22:10:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                      Re:Re:The Blame Game15/01/11 16:08:00 Jaz Brown
                                                                                                         Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game18/01/11 17:26:00 Peter Chadburn
                                                                                                      Re:Re:The Blame Game15/01/11 16:30:00 George Knox
                                                                                                      Re:Re:The Blame Game27/01/11 20:44:00 Simon Stewart
                                                            Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 16:55:00 Eric Alan Leach
                                                               Re:Re:The Blame Game doesn't answer the question16/01/11 09:40:00 Philippa Bond

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