Forum Message

Topic: Re:The Blame Game
Posted by: Phil Taylor
Date/Time: 05/01/11 11:22:00


As a self-avowed Labour supporter you would have more credibility if you stuck to arguments rather rhetoric. 

The closure of the day centres has been driven by two factors (stated in the reports):

(1) across the board revenue cuts being "shared equally" by a dumb Labour administration, and

(2) the same administration's acceptance of the council officers' property strategy which quite simply aims to sell off community assets in order to fund three new council offices in Acton, Southall and Greenford. 

The council's budget papers don't talk about changing staff Ts and Cs although the Labour group may be slowly waking up to the possibility now (only a good year after they should have been thinking about it).  There is the capacity for £10 millions of saving here. 

They have only one tiny shared services proposal in HR as yet unquantified.  The previous Tory administration saved about £1 million per annum by sharing the procurement of adult services with the West London Alliance councils.  A move to extend this to childrens' services seems to have been shelved as the officers don't like it.  The scale of changes envisaged by Westminster, K&C and H&F make Ealing look slow moving in the extreme. 

There has been no re-organisation of the council to re-align it from a siloed, service base organisation into a customer facing organisation.  So, whilst services are slashed, the number of expensive service heads, who cost £6.8 million pa or £88K per head, has been reduced by 7 out of 77.  A 9% cut. 

Even if the council had to make revenue savings in the area of day centres you could explore the 3rd sector taking over these assets if the Labour council and its officers weren't so keen to literally grab the land. 

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Day centres to close23/09/10 19:20:00 Peter Chadburn
   Re:Day centres to close23/09/10 22:12:00 Marie Shelly
      Re:Re:Day centres to close23/09/10 23:20:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close24/09/10 09:45:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close24/09/10 09:54:00 Libby Kemp
               Re:Day centres to close24/09/10 10:06:00 Philippa Bond
                  Re:Re:Day centres to close24/09/10 12:35:00 Peter Chadburn
                     Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close26/09/10 21:55:00 Peter Chadburn
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close26/09/10 23:33:00 Alan Brainsby
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close27/09/10 09:38:00 Peter Chadburn
   Re:Day centres to close29/09/10 16:59:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:Re:Day centres to close29/09/10 19:01:00 Robert Darke
         Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close29/09/10 20:05:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close29/09/10 21:16:00 Alan Brainsby
   Re:Day centres to close30/09/10 13:41:00 Libby Kemp
      Re:Re:Day centres to close30/09/10 16:05:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:Re:Day centres to close05/10/10 23:02:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Day centres to close 03/01/11 23:46:00 Philippa Bond
               The Blame Game04/01/11 12:57:00 Robin Taylor
                  Re:The Blame Game05/01/11 11:22:00 Phil Taylor
                     Re:Re:The Blame Game05/01/11 14:38:00 Robin Taylor
                  Re:The Blame Game06/01/11 19:43:00 Rosa Popham
                     Re:Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 00:02:00 Robin Taylor
                        Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 01:56:00 Rosa Popham
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 12:59:00 Robin Taylor
                              The Blame Game07/01/11 15:41:00 George Knox
                                 Re:The Blame Game07/01/11 21:56:00 Colm Costello
                                    Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 11:15:00 Robin Taylor
                                       Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 12:19:00 Colm Costello
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 13:50:00 Robin Taylor
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 14:21:00 Colm Costello
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 17:38:00 George Knox
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game08/01/11 18:37:00 Colm Costello
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game09/01/11 18:29:00 Rosa Popham
                                                         The Blame Game11/01/11 12:22:00 George Knox
                                                            Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 12:54:00 Robin Taylor
                                                               Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 13:20:00 Phil Taylor
                                                                  The Blame Game11/01/11 14:08:00 George Knox
                                                            Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 16:19:00 Colm Costello
                                                               Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 16:49:00 George Knox
                                                                  Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 17:23:00 Colm Costello
                                                                     The Blame Game11/01/11 18:30:00 George Knox
                                                                        Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 19:07:00 Colm Costello
                                                                           Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 20:20:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                              Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 22:49:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game12/01/11 09:47:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game12/01/11 11:22:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 01:27:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 09:22:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                             The Blame Game13/01/11 10:34:00 George Knox
                                                                                                Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 15:42:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                   Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 20:34:00 George Knox
                                                                                                   Re:Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 18:03:00 Thomas Hillyard
                                                                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 20:56:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 22:24:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 22:43:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game13/01/11 23:05:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 12:57:00 Robin Taylor
                                                                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 17:51:00 Thomas Hillyard
                                                                                                The Blame Game14/01/11 18:40:00 George Knox
                                                                                                   Re:The Blame Game14/01/11 22:10:00 Colm Costello
                                                                                                      Re:Re:The Blame Game15/01/11 16:08:00 Jaz Brown
                                                                                                         Re:Re:Re:The Blame Game18/01/11 17:26:00 Peter Chadburn
                                                                                                      Re:Re:The Blame Game15/01/11 16:30:00 George Knox
                                                                                                      Re:Re:The Blame Game27/01/11 20:44:00 Simon Stewart
                                                            Re:The Blame Game11/01/11 16:55:00 Eric Alan Leach
                                                               Re:Re:The Blame Game doesn't answer the question16/01/11 09:40:00 Philippa Bond

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