Forum Message

Topic: Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 20/02/21 22:52:00

I think that the recycling points at supermarkets are actually run by the supermarkets themselves.  They are unfortunately often misused by the public.

Have you considered taking any of your electrical goods to Curry's?  Or whoever you were buying a replacement from if you were.  Curry's PC World actually will take some smaller electric/electronic items together with any larger appliance you are recycling when you buy a new appliance.  They do change what they do every so often so it is worth checking probably more than once to make sure you are given the correct information.

There are often special recycling arrangements in September when Recycling Week falls. I'm sure there was one where you could just take your small electrical items into Curry's for recycling.

Our Waste Disposal Authority - West London Waste Authority - has lots of information on how to dispose of particular items and also offers a Bulky Waste Collection.  You can also run a collection in conjunction with them - I remember them having a collection point for electrical/electronic items at Chiswick Library and at Leisure Centres for a set time eg a week.

There is nothing to stop anyone asking for or organising a special skip collection in a specific location with their Council and/or the Waste London Waste Authority say for Recycling Week.  I've noticed that Wandsworth do this.

The British Heart Foundation sells some electrical/electronic stuff when they are working which they aren't right now because of the pandemic.  They collect.  They have to check out and test electrical stuff before they can sell it.

(delayed because of the pandemic)

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 18:13:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 18:46:00 Andy Jones
      Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 19:12:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 19:15:00 Simon Hayes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 19:18:00 Rosco White
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 19:31:00 Terry Freestone
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 20:25:00 Simon Hayes
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure17/02/21 16:25:00 Nicolas Ozegovic
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 23:51:00 Andy Jones
   Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure16/02/21 21:58:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure17/02/21 09:04:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure17/02/21 11:01:00 peter king
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton Refuse and Recycling Centre closure17/02/21 17:38:00 peter king
               Reply17/02/21 17:45:00 Gordon Southwell
                  Re:Reply17/02/21 18:16:00 Raymond Havelock
                     Re:Re:Reply17/02/21 20:12:00 N V Brooks
                        Reply18/02/21 07:23:00 Gordon Southwell
                           Re:Reply18/02/21 10:06:00 N V Brooks
                              Re:Re:Reply18/02/21 12:13:00 Nicolas Ozegovic
                                 Re:Re:Re:Reply18/02/21 13:00:00 Rosco White
                                    Re:  We haven't used it for years...18/02/21 18:23:00 Philippa Bond
                                       Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years...19/02/21 08:29:00 Nicolas Ozegovic
                                          Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years...19/02/21 09:29:00 Simon Hayes
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years...19/02/21 20:48:00 Rosco White
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years...19/02/21 20:52:00 peter king
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years...19/02/21 21:42:00 N V Brooks
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank19/02/21 21:58:00 Philippa Bond
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank20/02/21 00:01:00 Libby Kemp
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank20/02/21 08:02:00 Simon Hayes
                                                      Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank20/02/21 22:52:00 Philippa Bond
                                                         Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank21/02/21 14:04:00 Simon Hayes
                                                            Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank22/02/21 11:53:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
                                                               Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank23/02/21 20:10:00 Philippa Bond
                                                                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank26/02/21 11:08:00 peter king
                                                                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank26/02/21 19:58:00 Mark Evans
                                                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank27/02/21 21:13:00 Philippa Bond
                                                                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank27/02/21 21:19:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank28/02/21 14:07:00 Rosco White
                                                                                 Re: We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank28/02/21 17:12:00 Philippa Bond
                                                                                    Re:Re: We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank28/02/21 17:20:00 Raymond Havelock
                                                                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank28/02/21 18:46:00 Libby Kemp
                                                                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank28/02/21 19:20:00 Rosco White
                                                                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank01/03/21 17:24:00 Philippa Bond
                                                                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank01/03/21 18:01:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                                 :Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank01/03/21 22:03:00 Philippa Bond
                                                                                    Re::Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank01/03/21 22:17:00 Philippa Bond
                                                                                       Re:Re::Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank02/03/21 10:09:00 Mark Evans
                                                                                          Re:Re:Re::Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank02/03/21 22:09:00 peter king
                                                                                             Re:Re:Re:Re::Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank03/03/21 21:52:00 peter king
                                                                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank04/03/21 09:13:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank04/03/21 16:30:00 Rosco White
                                                                                          Re:Re:Re::Re:  We haven't used it for years... because we didn't have kerbside and collection bank04/03/21 18:37:00 Tony Colliver
                                                                                             Re:  Lots of spaces on Sunday 14 March at Stirling Road08/03/21 22:55:00 Philippa Bond
                                                                                                Re:Re:  Lots of spaces on Sunday 14 March at Stirling Road09/03/21 10:05:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                                                   Re:Re:Re:  Lots of spaces on Sunday 14 March at Stirling Road17/03/21 13:36:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
                                                                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:  Lots of spaces on Sunday 14 March at Stirling Road17/03/21 14:10:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Lots of spaces on Sunday 14 March at Stirling Road17/03/21 14:47:00 Nicolas Ozegovic
                                                                                                            Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Lots of spaces on Sunday 14 March at Stirling Road19/07/21 16:16:00 peter king
                                                                                                               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:  Lots of spaces on Sunday 14 March at Stirling Road19/07/21 17:10:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                                                                  Reply20/07/21 09:54:00 Alison Howard
                                                                                                                     Re:Reply20/07/21 12:47:00 peter king
                                                                                                                        Re:Re:Reply20/07/21 13:36:00 N V Brooks
                                                                                                                           Re:Re:Re:Reply20/07/21 14:41:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                                                                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply20/07/21 15:00:00 Rosco White
                                                                                                                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply20/07/21 15:40:00 Mark Evans
                                                                                                                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply20/07/21 17:17:00 Simon Hayes
                                                                                                                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply21/07/21 00:45:00 Peter Evans

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