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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits
Posted by: Oliver Gregan
Date/Time: 28/10/10 13:28:00

I could not agree more. I have just been shown several sets of minutes by a representative of the Lammas Residents association which state clearly the agreement mandate of the the Zone C, S and N areas.

The residents do have the right to be consulted about increases and the right to request at anytime after the first full year of operation, for a consultation on whether to continue or suspend the CPZ.
The council stresses that it is a not for profit operation and that it is for and on behalf of the residents.

So to change that implies that every resident inside a zone must be consulted and is legally entitled to.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits21/10/10 20:46:00 Michael Brandt
   Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits26/10/10 21:21:00 Mark Maytree
      Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits27/10/10 09:09:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
         Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits27/10/10 22:42:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits28/10/10 13:05:00 Jeff Belsen
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits28/10/10 13:28:00 Oliver Gregan
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits28/10/10 16:55:00 Jeff Belsen
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits28/10/10 22:27:00 Bob Roberts
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits28/10/10 22:27:00 Bob Roberts
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits28/10/10 22:27:00 Bob Roberts
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits29/10/10 20:34:00 Oliver Gregan
                           Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits30/10/10 07:42:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits13/11/10 11:45:00 Jeff Belsen
      Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits13/11/10 14:59:00 Oliver Gregan
   Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits15/11/10 20:38:00 Rosa Popham
      Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits15/11/10 23:16:00 George Knox
         Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits16/11/10 16:20:00 Jeff Belsen
            Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits16/11/10 23:10:00 George Knox
               Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits16/11/10 23:51:00 Bassam Mahfouz
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Name the Labour councillors who voted against carer permits17/11/10 15:43:00 Jeff Belsen

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