Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:  The thoughtless few
Posted by: Marc Races
Date/Time: 03/05/11 12:50:00

Not odd at all. The edwardian and victorian houses that make up so much of Ealing's housing stock have been around for a hundred without the 20 year obsolescence that underlies modern tower block construction. One only has to look at the domeolition of the tower blocks on the South Acton Estate and the demolishment of the Green Man estate, or indeed at the complete gutting a few years ago of the tower blocks built on top of Euston Station in central London to understand what I am talking about.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
demise of arcadia good or ill30/04/11 10:40:00 Moira Bourne
   Re:demise of arcadia good or ill30/04/11 12:09:00 Eric Alan Leach
      Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill30/04/11 12:20:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:demise of arcadia good or ill02/05/11 13:48:00 S. D. Brock
         Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill02/05/11 15:30:00 Eric Alan Leach
            Re:  The thoughtless few02/05/11 21:09:00 S. D. Brock
               Re:Re:  The thoughtless few02/05/11 22:20:00 Marc Races
                  Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 12:36:00 S. D. Brock
                     Re:Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 12:50:00 Marc Races
                        :Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 13:00:00 S. D. Brock
                           Re::Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 14:29:00 Marc Races
                           Re::Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 17:10:00 Marc Races
               Re:Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 01:09:00 Peter Chadburn
                  :Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 12:44:00 S. D. Brock
                     Re::Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 14:20:00 Peter Chadburn
                        Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 15:39:00 S. D. Brock
                           Re:Re:  The thoughtless few03/05/11 16:15:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill02/05/11 16:51:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill03/05/11 10:05:00 Eric Alan Leach
               Re:demise of arcadia good or ill03/05/11 12:57:00 S. D. Brock
                  Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill03/05/11 14:33:00 Marc Races
                     The too busy to be bothered03/05/11 14:40:00 Peter Chadburn
                        Re:The too busy to be bothered03/05/11 16:40:00 C Gray
                           Re:Re:The too busy to be bothered03/05/11 16:51:00 Peter Chadburn
                  Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill23/05/11 13:01:00 Tony Sleep
         Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill11/05/11 22:05:00 Michael Brandt
            Re:Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill11/05/11 23:37:00 George Knox
               Re:Re:Re:Re:demise of arcadia good or ill11/05/11 23:51:00 Michael Brandt
   Relevance of Ireland!!04/05/11 11:12:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:Relevance of Ireland!!04/05/11 11:44:00 Marc Races
         Re:Re:Relevance of Ireland!!04/05/11 11:55:00 Peter Chadburn
            Relevance of Ireland!!11/05/11 15:03:00 George Knox
               Re:Relevance of Ireland!!11/05/11 15:23:00 Peter Chadburn
                  Re:Re:Relevance of Ireland!!11/05/11 15:28:00 Marc Races
                  Re:Re:Relevance of Ireland!!11/05/11 15:28:00 Marc Races
                  Re: Relevance of Ireland!!12/05/11 18:04:00 S. D. Brock
                     Re:Re: Relevance of Ireland!!12/05/11 18:21:00 Eric Alan Leach
                        Re: regeneration12/05/11 18:31:00 S. D. Brock
                           Re:Re: regeneration12/05/11 18:40:00 Peter Chadburn
                              Re:Re:Re: regeneration13/05/11 00:31:00 Arthur Breens
                                 Should Ealing even go to Cannes?13/05/11 08:26:00 Marc Races
                                 Re:  regeneration13/05/11 14:52:00 S. D. Brock
                                    Re:Re:  regeneration13/05/11 17:40:00 Eric Alan Leach
                                       Re:Re:Re:  regeneration13/05/11 18:02:00 Peter Chadburn
                                       Re:  regeneration14/05/11 12:24:00 S. D. Brock
                                    Re:Re:  regeneration14/05/11 10:36:00 Ed Yelland
                                       Re:Re:Re:  regeneration14/05/11 11:11:00 Eric Alan Leach
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:  regeneration14/05/11 11:37:00 George Knox
                                          :Re:  regeneration14/05/11 12:42:00 S. D. Brock
                                       :Re:  regeneration14/05/11 12:30:00 S. D. Brock
                                          Re::Re:  regeneration14/05/11 12:31:00 S. D. Brock
                                             Re:Re::Re:  regeneration14/05/11 13:26:00 Eric Alan Leach
                                                Re:Re:Re::Re:  regeneration14/05/11 14:56:00 Arthur Breens
                                                Re:  regeneration26/05/11 15:51:00 S. D. Brock
                                             Instead of the rejected Arcadia development.14/05/11 14:39:00 Marc Races
                                                Re:Instead of the rejected Arcadia development.14/05/11 20:14:00 George Knox
                                                   Re:Re:Instead of the rejected Arcadia development.14/05/11 23:29:00 Marc Races
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Instead of the rejected Arcadia development.15/05/11 14:27:00 Oliver Gregan
                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Instead of the rejected Arcadia development.26/05/11 12:36:00 Matt Willey
                                                            Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Instead of the rejected Arcadia development.26/05/11 17:53:00 Eric Alan Leach
                                                               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Instead of the rejected Arcadia development.26/05/11 18:05:00 Oliver Gregan
                                                                  :Re: Arcadia development.27/05/11 18:46:00 S. D. Brock

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