Forum Message

Topic: Re:Park Ranger update and new petition
Posted by: Phil Taylor
Date/Time: 24/01/11 14:53:00


It looks like the Labour cabinet intend to pretty much ignore the call-in tomorrow.  They mention it in their budget paper for tomorrow's meeting here, Section 4.4:

But, the paper otherwise ignores it. 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Park Ranger update and new petition18/01/11 12:49:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition21/01/11 22:27:00 Rosa Popham
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition21/01/11 23:26:00 Luther Brown
      Re:Re:Park Ranger update and new petition26/07/11 13:17:00 Jon Kennedy
   Last Petition Attracted Only a Few People?22/01/11 00:55:00 Maggie Tomlinson
      A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?22/01/11 00:58:00 Luther Brown
         Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 15:40:00 Maggie Tomlinson
            Re:Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 16:03:00 Jane Salisbury
            Re:Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 16:09:00 Jane Salisbury
            Re:Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 16:31:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition24/01/11 14:53:00 Phil Taylor
      Re:Re:Park Ranger update and new petition25/01/11 09:53:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition25/01/11 09:54:00 Jane Salisbury
      Confidence in the Rangers25/01/11 15:35:00 Maggie Tomlinson
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition25/01/11 13:54:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition26/01/11 13:18:00 Phil Taylor
      Park Ranger update 31/05/11 00:45:00 George Knox
         Park Ranger cuts are good05/06/11 08:40:00 Marc Races
            Re:Park Ranger cuts are good26/07/11 19:16:00 Chris Martin

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