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Topic: Re:Park Ranger update and new petition
Posted by: Luther Brown
Date/Time: 21/01/11 23:26:00

With respect, I view the Labour Council's cutting back of basic facilities for the disabled and elderly as somewhat more important than the reduction in ranger and envirocrime numbers. We have seen the Albert Dane day centre for the disabled closed, the LINKS service for the mentally ill closed, we have seen restrictions imposed on the taxicard scheme providing vital transport for the disabled and now we are expected to pee in the Council car park. What are the ill, disabled, and elderly meant to do when visiting the council? I think we should be fighting this rather than for "nice to have" services like the rangers and the envirocrime officers. Think people not plants.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Park Ranger update and new petition18/01/11 12:49:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition21/01/11 22:27:00 Rosa Popham
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition21/01/11 23:26:00 Luther Brown
      Re:Re:Park Ranger update and new petition26/07/11 13:17:00 Jon Kennedy
   Last Petition Attracted Only a Few People?22/01/11 00:55:00 Maggie Tomlinson
      A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?22/01/11 00:58:00 Luther Brown
         Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 15:40:00 Maggie Tomlinson
            Re:Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 16:03:00 Jane Salisbury
            Re:Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 16:09:00 Jane Salisbury
            Re:Re:A RAT GROOMING SERVICE?25/01/11 16:31:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition24/01/11 14:53:00 Phil Taylor
      Re:Re:Park Ranger update and new petition25/01/11 09:53:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition25/01/11 09:54:00 Jane Salisbury
      Confidence in the Rangers25/01/11 15:35:00 Maggie Tomlinson
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition25/01/11 13:54:00 Jane Salisbury
   Re:Park Ranger update and new petition26/01/11 13:18:00 Phil Taylor
      Park Ranger update 31/05/11 00:45:00 George Knox
         Park Ranger cuts are good05/06/11 08:40:00 Marc Races
            Re:Park Ranger cuts are good26/07/11 19:16:00 Chris Martin

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