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Topic: Re:Ward Forums should be very different.
Posted by: Arthur Breens
Date/Time: 10/02/11 08:48:00

Maggie I'd like to see some sand throwing. My ward forum Walpole reminds me of a swamp..2+1 councillors on the same side using valuable time discussing £40,000 when at the other edge of the ward is a proposed £1,000,000 "road safety" scheme with lots of problems. Many people who have local knowledge and will be affected by the changes will only learn about this scheme (maybe) on the night of Walpole Ward Forum. The deadline for comments on the scheme is the same evening. My councillors refused to discuss the LDF with its important changes to the ward skyline and population prefering to keep to discussions about park railings and street signs. Important but ignoring the "elephant in the room". We the people of the big society had no say.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
South Ealing Road improvements08/02/11 14:09:00 Michael Brandt
   Re:South Ealing Road improvements08/02/11 16:08:00 Penny Crocker
      Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements08/02/11 17:53:00 Oliver Gregan
         Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements08/02/11 18:44:00 Susan Kelly
            Re:Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements08/02/11 19:41:00 Michael Brandt
      Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements11/02/11 12:24:00 David Whitelam
         Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements11/02/11 15:17:00 Kelly Cornfield
            Re:Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements11/02/11 15:39:00 David Whitelam
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements11/02/11 16:28:00 Phil Taylor
   Re:South Ealing Road improvements08/02/11 19:40:00 Luther Brown
      Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements08/02/11 20:23:00 Michael Brandt
         Scheme Is Good, Your Fact Are Wrong08/02/11 20:31:00 Luther Brown
            Re:Scheme Is Good, Your Fact Are Wrong09/02/11 06:28:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Scheme Is Good, Your Fact Are Wrong09/02/11 08:46:00 Arthur Breens
   Re:South Ealing Road improvements09/02/11 13:03:00 Phil Taylor
      Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements09/02/11 13:45:00 Arthur Breens
         Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements09/02/11 14:44:00 Phil Taylor
            Re:Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements09/02/11 15:58:00 Arthur Breens
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements09/02/11 18:07:00 Eric Alan Leach
                  Ward Forums should be very different.09/02/11 19:44:00 Maggie Tomlinson
                     Re:Ward Forums should be very different.10/02/11 08:48:00 Arthur Breens
                        Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.10/02/11 19:50:00 Oliver Gregan
                           Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.13/02/11 23:22:00 Philippa Bond
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.14/02/11 00:27:00 Oliver Gregan
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 00:54:00 Philippa Bond
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 09:14:00 Michael Brandt
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 19:26:00 Charles J McGregor
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 09:14:00 Michael Brandt
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 09:28:00 Philippa Bond
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 09:29:00 Philippa Bond
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 19:34:00 Charles J McGregor
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Ward Forums should be very different.15/02/11 20:46:00 Oliver Gregan
      To Councillor Plil Taylor: re South Ealing Road improvements04/03/11 08:14:00 Chris Veasey
         Re:To Councillor Plil Taylor: re South Ealing Road improvements07/03/11 10:52:00 Chris Veasey
            Re:Re:To Councillor Plil Taylor: re South Ealing Road improvements07/03/11 15:41:00 Chris Veasey
   Re:South Ealing Road improvements10/03/11 13:43:00 Marie Anne OConnell
      Re:Re:South Ealing Road improvements10/03/11 20:45:00 Oliver Gregan

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