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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Week
Posted by: John Brother
Date/Time: 27/06/11 20:26:00

I was not goint to say more as this is probably boring for lots of people. This valve thing Mr Bell is only start of all this.
Today is fourth day and the barricades and traffic light were taen away late afternoon leaving problems. In end the water people had to replace about 50 metre of road across whole width with start as hole 2 meter by five meter because of water damage. They have to replace white markng for whole zebra crossing and zig zags too. If water turned off and dealt with friday by some one competent 10000 pound fix it job would not have become 100000 pound fix it job.

Sunday day three was very funny/sad. Hazard sign finally put back up outside chinese takeaway at about five. No one bother check the signs on south side of disaster. One sign spends all four days facing the garden wall so drivers cannot see. Work start early morning two really big lorries with tarmac arrive a giant road grinder and a steam roller and a machine for tarmac and a digger twith many men. Whole width of road dug up outside health centre for fifty metres with zebra crossing. Four inches deep of road surface ground up. New tarmack put down. Customers stay away from noise and smell. If the Thames water people are payed the way I pay my staff then they all get double time for one shift of seven hours on Sunday.
It is Sunday so I go to church at Assyrian church at One Temple Road on the other side of Little Ealing Lane. I find official Thames water surveyor (so it says on side of small white van parked across small drive that is entrance to church on double yellow lines. According to traffic warden friend these double yellow lines extend No Stopping Except for Buses area of bustop two metres around corner of Temple Road as part of clealry signposted London Bus Priority Network according to my parking warden friend and so is criminall offence or stopping there which is much worse than just paring ticket.
Surveyor leaves van there and it is about three before he can be shifted for cars to get in and out of church.
At seven in the evening all works stops with tarmac not finished. I want to know why so i get one of my staff to ask wby. He is told that they have run out of tarmac so they cannot do any ore today. Small area of tarmac about twelve foot by twelve foot left unfinished. All men except two go off home. If these peopple are payed like I pay my staff then as then have worked one or two hours of second shift starting at six or seven they will be paid for two shifts even though they only work one shift plus one house. The first shift is double time as on Sunday the second shift is double double time or four time normal rate. So we get twenty men times two plus twenty mean at four which is, I think, twnety men getting six shifts each or 120 shifts because Sunday.
Two men stay with steam roller on side road maybe waiting for more tarma? Who know? till late with its orange light flashing on top. They go. Flashing light left switched on all night and customer maes good joe suggesting that as cab companies have orange flashing lights all night the men are moonlighting as steam roller taxi!
Monday, things get going. Monday morning tail backs up south ealing road to the Coop, down Popes lane and down to the ealing Park Tavern. First couple of hours work in big ruch hour with men finishing mall patch where they run out of tarmac last night. What good having surveyor if surveyor cannot estimate tarmac for road surfacing?
I pay water rates on my shop and my home. I pay too much and I and other customers of Thames water will pay for this mess up. Also there is more work to be done to remove lots of little lumps of new tarmac about the size of my hand and a couple of inches high that cover main road south of new zebra crossing also twenty yards of road by health centre where steam roller and tarmac machine stood overnight until today are covered with similar bumps. Also half of the new tarmac is not fit for purpose and is not fit for busy road. All west half of new road area is just big stones and very rough compared with east side. It is not fit for school playground and most definitely not fit for busy main road.
If we have bad weather this winter I think this will all come up and council will have to resurface road. I pay council tax on home and I pay business rate on business so bad work by Thames water will cost me more and everyone in Ealing more in council tax perhaps?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Does Anyone Know What Thames Water Are Playing At In South Ealing?24/06/11 18:40:00 Stephanie Flowers
   Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Weekend25/06/11 15:44:00 Stephanie Flowers
      Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Weekend25/06/11 21:05:00 John Brother
         Re:Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Weekend25/06/11 21:41:00 John Brother
            Re:Re:Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Weekend25/06/11 21:54:00 Nigel Brooks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Weekend25/06/11 22:25:00 John Brother
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Weekend25/06/11 23:33:00 John Brother
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Week26/06/11 10:11:00 Chris Bell
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Saturday (Day Two) Residents Of South  Ealing Wonder If There Will Be Floods This Week27/06/11 20:26:00 John Brother

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