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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years
Posted by: Chris Veasey
Date/Time: 26/07/10 12:01:00

Ealing is not a city in the sense those of us from real cities in other parts of this island would understand; but (greater) London is not either  -  it's a conurbation and (in some respects) a county, two of whose 32/33(? -  can't be bothered to check) component local authorities are abitrarily classed officially as 'cities' (they aren't real ones either).

Eric has a point in principle re this borough's population size and consequent importance of the head police job; though generally elsewhere in this island policing is not done at city level (where cities exist) but (for better or worse) at county, region or some other wider territorial level.

Poulation sizewise, if in no other respect, Ealing is in the same league as third-order cities such as Leicester, Nottingham, Hull, Cardiff, and the real city of Bradford (as opposed to the monster created in 1974).

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years23/07/10 13:37:00 Eric Alan Leach
   Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years23/07/10 14:00:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years23/07/10 16:59:00 Editor
      Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years23/07/10 23:04:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years24/07/10 00:04:00 Keith Iddon
         Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years24/07/10 08:38:00 Graham Weeks
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years25/07/10 12:52:00 Ben Owen
         Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years24/07/10 22:41:00 Thomas Barry
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years25/07/10 18:13:00 Eric Alan Leach
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years26/07/10 08:12:00 Thomas Barry
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years26/07/10 12:01:00 Chris Veasey
                     Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years26/07/10 14:08:00 George Knox
                        Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years27/07/10 01:16:00 Robert Darke
                           Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years27/07/10 21:27:00 Sara Nathan
                           Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years29/07/10 15:26:00 Arthur Breens
                              Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years29/07/10 21:22:00 George Knox
   Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years29/07/10 21:36:00 Keith Iddon
      Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years29/07/10 23:54:00 Peter Chadburn
         Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years30/07/10 08:40:00 George Knox
            Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years30/07/10 10:53:00 Arthur Breens
               Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years30/07/10 13:28:00 George Knox
                  Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years30/07/10 23:12:00 Sara Nathan
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years01/08/10 14:12:00 Eric Alan Leach
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Another Ealing Police Boss Leaves After Three Years01/08/10 16:36:00 Sara Nathan

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