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Topic: Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement
Posted by: Jim Louten
Date/Time: 05/03/10 14:08:00

My experience is that it isn't easy to deal with these issues as the process is far from clear. It is made more difficult when the "offender" is probably doing all they can to side step the proper process and are adopting a creeping development approach. But it is possible to make headway and there are a number of cases around where action has been successfully taken.

I would keep up the pressure on the Enforcement Team by making sure your enforcement requests are clear and well documented using the correct process (there is an enforcement request form on the Ealing Website) and followed up. Keep your local Ward Councillor in the loop and get people on your side. It might also be worthwhile identifying what breeches have occurred and pointing out to the the officers the relevant law or policy, which is all available on the ealing council web site, or the central government planning portal. I know you shouldn't have to do this - but it adds weight to your case. You can also see recent similar cases which Ealing have contested on the Planning Inspectorate Appeals website and this will help identify some of the issues that need to be dealt with.

If you don't get a response from the enforcement team make a formal complaint to Ealing Council, get an acknowledgement and follow up. They have rules about replying to complaints.
If that doesn't work go the Local Government Ombudsman and ask them to investigate why the matter is not being dealt with.

This all takes a quite a lot of work which, again, you probably think you should not have to do - but its probably required if you want to help beat the cheaters. It also takes a lot longer than you think it should!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
How to run rings around Planning Enforcement01/03/10 18:51:00 David Archer
   Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement01/03/10 19:33:00 Arthur Breens
      Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement01/03/10 21:16:00 George Knox
         Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement01/03/10 23:56:00 Arthur Breens
   Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement02/03/10 11:37:00 Tony Price
      Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 00:06:00 Arthur Breens
         Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 00:34:00 David Archer
            Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 09:31:00 Arthur Breens
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 11:48:00 G Lord
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 13:44:00 Arthur Breens
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 13:48:00 J Smith
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 13:49:00 G Lord
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 14:06:00 Arthur Breens
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 14:41:00 G Lord
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 14:42:00 J Smith
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 14:58:00 G Lord
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement03/03/10 19:29:00 J Smith
   Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement05/03/10 14:08:00 Jim Louten
      Re:Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement06/03/10 10:07:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:How to run rings around Planning Enforcement17/03/10 20:02:00 Sarah Felstead
      Don't know if this is one17/03/10 20:48:00 Sarah Felstead
         Re:Don't know if this is one26/03/10 17:53:00 Viv Ellis

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