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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station
Posted by: Phil Taylor
Date/Time: 20/02/10 09:34:00

I am not sure we are having a debate rooted in reality here.  There seems to be a desire for a magic wand to be waved with no acceptance that compromises have to be made with the limited space available. 

The person responsible at the political level is David Millican, he does transport. 

Even if we had the compulsory purchasing powers and felt it was appropriate to use them how much do you think it would cost to buy out all of the property rights and to put in a drop off scheme?  Is this a priority compared to parks investment or road re-surfacing?  We can only spend money once.  Maybe our country wouldn't be in such a pickle if our government got that idea. 

Once the Arcadia project is sorted out this issue will be rolled up.  It seems like the wrong priority for public funds in the meantime to me.  If Eric Leach doesn't know the Highway Code and can't read signs maybe that is his problem. 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 08:39:00 Eric Alan Leach
   Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 09:29:00 ajit singh
      Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 14:48:00 Arthur Breens
         Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 18:36:00 George Knox
         Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station20/02/10 22:28:00 ajit singh
   Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 20:32:00 Phil Taylor
      Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 21:43:00 Philip Coe
         Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 22:47:00 Eric Alan Leach
         Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 22:47:00 Chris Veasey
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station19/02/10 23:30:00 Arthur Breens
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station20/02/10 09:34:00 Phil Taylor
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station20/02/10 11:01:00 Arthur Breens
                     Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station20/02/10 11:43:00 Richard Jennings
                        Re:Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station20/02/10 13:41:00 Arthur Breens
                           Re:Re:Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station20/02/10 14:40:00 Libby Kemp
                              Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station22/02/10 11:45:00 George Knox
                                 Re:Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station22/02/10 14:43:00 Peter Chadburn
                                    Re:Re:Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station22/02/10 18:38:00 Arthur Breens
                                       :Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station23/02/10 01:09:00 ajit singh
                                          Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station23/02/10 16:57:00 Alan Brainsby
                                             Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station23/02/10 17:39:00 George Knox
                                             Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station23/02/10 17:56:00 Arthur Breens
                                                Re:Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station23/02/10 21:45:00 Alan Brainsby
                                                   Re:Re:Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station24/02/10 13:07:00 Faith Wardle
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station24/02/10 14:26:00 Peter Chadburn
                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station24/02/10 15:40:00 Faith Wardle
                                                      Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station24/02/10 15:10:00 George Knox
                                                      Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station24/02/10 22:33:00 Chris Veasey
                                                         Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station25/02/10 18:41:00 Michael Brandt
                                                            Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::Short term parking at Ealing Broadway Station25/02/10 23:51:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station16/04/10 12:40:00 Marie McLernon
         In defence of Phil Taylor (I know, I know....)17/04/10 13:18:00 Gerald Cabb
            Re:In defence of Phil Taylor (I know, I know....)17/04/10 19:39:00 Peter Chadburn
   Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station26/02/10 10:23:00 Faith Wardle
      Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station26/02/10 10:53:00 Michael Brandt
         Car for sale 01/03/10 11:38:00 ajit singh
            Re:Car for sale 06/03/10 10:12:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Car for sale 07/03/10 09:11:00 ajit singh
                  Re:Re:Re:Car for sale 07/03/10 10:29:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Car for sale 07/03/10 10:49:00 ajit singh
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Car for sale 07/03/10 22:51:00 Peter Chadburn
   Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station12/04/10 16:58:00 Lucy C Taylor
      Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station12/04/10 18:51:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station15/04/10 16:11:00 Tony Colliver
             Ealing Broadway Station forecourt16/04/10 13:23:00 George Knox
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station16/04/10 17:12:00 Peter Chadburn
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station13/07/10 17:51:00 Eric Alan Leach
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pick up and Drop Off Chaos at Ealing Broadway Station13/07/10 20:10:00 Robert Darke

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