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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!
Posted by: Peter Chadburn
Date/Time: 07/12/09 23:07:00

All I have done in the past is copy correspondance to Phil Taylor on an appeal so that they know it is being done and so it has worked otherwise they consider themselves always in the right. My Late girlfriend used to get tickets even though she used a Disabled Badge. In fact some tickets did not give a sensible reason. Just appalling in fact. Why should a person with comprimised health have to go through that hassle. At least with Phil Taylor in charge they started to cancel tickets which was an improvement. Before you had to threaten with going through the whole appeal process for wrongly issued tickets. They just don't give a toss!! There will be more pressure to give more tickets once council budgets are cut after the election.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 13:54:00 Will Sawyer
   Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 14:24:00 James Lockwood
      Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 15:30:00 Will Sawyer
         Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 15:49:00 James Lockwood
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!04/12/09 09:51:00 Will Sawyer
   Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!06/12/09 23:31:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 14:56:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 14:57:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 16:48:00 Will Sawyer
         Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 17:33:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 17:39:00 Will Sawyer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 20:16:00 Arthur Breens
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 21:49:00 Richard Jennings
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 23:07:00 Peter Chadburn
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!08/12/09 14:37:00 Arthur Breens
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!08/12/09 15:24:00 Arthur Breens

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