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Topic: Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!
Posted by: Richard Jennings
Date/Time: 06/12/09 23:31:00

"Instead of receiving the two PCN's in the post, I have received SIX PCN's - so not surprisingly I'm a little miffed at where the other 4 have come from since they weren't attached to my windscreen."

Yout terminology is a bit confusing.  You found 2 PCNs attached to the windscreen.  You challenged them, your challenge was rejected (on what grounds?), and you then presumably received 2 letters headed Notice to Owner through the post. You have also received a further 4 letters.  Are they also headed "Notice to Owner", or are they headed "Penalty Charge Notice"?

If you left your car for 4 consecutive days, I would expect a maximum of 4 PCNs, not 6.

"So it leaves me thinking that the Council are trying it on in the hope that I just pay up to avoid the fine increasing (which it already has once, and will again if I lose the next appeal)."

No, you've missed the early payment discount, but the penalty remains the same whether you pay now or after losing your formal appeal to the council, or even if you lose an appeal to the independent adjudicator.  It only increases further if you don't appeal or are late paying after losing the last appeal.  Don't expect to get compensation, though. There are fairly limited grounds on which the adjudicator can award compensation.

I've also sent you a direct e-mail.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 13:54:00 Will Sawyer
   Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 14:24:00 James Lockwood
      Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 15:30:00 Will Sawyer
         Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!03/12/09 15:49:00 James Lockwood
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!04/12/09 09:51:00 Will Sawyer
   Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!06/12/09 23:31:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 14:56:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 14:57:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 16:48:00 Will Sawyer
         Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 17:33:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 17:39:00 Will Sawyer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 20:16:00 Arthur Breens
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 21:49:00 Richard Jennings
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!07/12/09 23:07:00 Peter Chadburn
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!08/12/09 14:37:00 Arthur Breens
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Beware of Residents Parking in Pay&Display bays!08/12/09 15:24:00 Arthur Breens

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