Forum Message

Topic: Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing
Posted by: Phil Taylor
Date/Time: 28/02/11 17:22:00


The council can help you with this and has a team of people called envirocrime officers who do a great job.  The Northfield officer has had a couple of fly-tipping brothers put in prison just to give you an idea of his effectiveness. 

I would be pleased to help you sort this out.  Mail me on here. 

Cllr Taylor
Northfield Ward

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing27/02/11 18:05:00 Mark Vale
   Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 00:13:00 Jean F Fernandez
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 01:41:00 Mark Vale
   Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 11:25:00 Barbara Karayi
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 12:41:00 Mark Vale
         Re:Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 13:02:00 Charles Campbell
   Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 17:22:00 Phil Taylor
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 22:31:00 Charles Gallichan
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 23:25:00 Mark Vale

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