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Topic: Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing
Posted by: Mark Vale
Date/Time: 27/02/11 18:05:00

Over the last 2-3 weeks I have found on 3 occasions many clear plastic bin sacks of empty bottles, cans, pizza boxes and similar dumped outside my flats.

Have observed the same outside Maytree Gardens, Gerrards Court (on one occasion a pile of at least 20 bags here) and Nickelby House.

They're generally put in a pile, so not chucked from a passing van, and generally in/near the bin area.

Generally 4-6 bags.

Perhaps intended to be a nuicance, but just bearable (it isn't). So I imaging it will continue.

It's a 'crime' that is not a crime if done on private property (is that unique?), so pointless telling Council or Police.

Any comments or suggestions?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing27/02/11 18:05:00 Mark Vale
   Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 00:13:00 Jean F Fernandez
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 01:41:00 Mark Vale
   Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 11:25:00 Barbara Karayi
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 12:41:00 Mark Vale
         Re:Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 13:02:00 Charles Campbell
   Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 17:22:00 Phil Taylor
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 22:31:00 Charles Gallichan
      Re:Re:Fly-tipping of pub-type waste in South Ealing28/02/11 23:25:00 Mark Vale

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