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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?
Posted by: Barbara Karayi
Date/Time: 15/10/10 10:19:00

Fag ends cause a lot of damage to wildlife that eats them, due to the nicotine, a poison, that is stored in the filter by the inhalation of the smoke. Plus it's not made of cotton but artificial material. 

The red stuff that is spat on the ground must be one of the ingredients of paan, which some Indians chew like others chew chewing gum.

All that, plus chewing gum are disgusting. I once passed a plant container near a tube station. The soil was covered in chewing gum.  Why do people treat the world like a tip?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?12/10/10 08:46:00 Bernie Paul
   Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?12/10/10 09:36:00 Peter Chadburn
      Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?12/10/10 12:42:00 Pete Gregory
         Re:Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?12/10/10 13:38:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?12/10/10 16:50:00 Graham Weeks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?13/10/10 08:55:00 Sara Nathan
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?13/10/10 09:25:00 Graham Weeks
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?13/10/10 15:23:00 Pete Gregory
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?15/10/10 10:19:00 Barbara Karayi
   Re:Hanging Baskets - is this a sensible use of public money?20/10/10 23:30:00 Mark Maytree

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