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Topic: Well done ERIC LEACH
Posted by: George Knox
Date/Time: 08/12/09 16:54:00

Arthur, I wish the Tories could have more credibility.

Our streets are cleaner, but then so are the streets in LibDem Brent, and probably elsewhere as they jolly well should be. I cannot understand whether we have safer streets. According to the Police stats site when I last looked at it a few weeks ago, the figures were not good. But not so long ago on the Council website I saw improvements being reported. Who do you trust and believe? The roads are supposed to be better in  Ealing. Well some are – and the Labour Party should inwardly digest this much needed improvement.  But with an election coming up I would have thought that all the main routes through the borough would have been completed by now. Brunswick Road is bad, Greenford Road is a mixed blessing and Ruislip Road is like a farm track. The Avenue W13 is known for its special clay (in the Councils records) inimical to stability and is also like a farm track – just to name a few. You would have thought the deputy Leader of the Council might have pulled a few strings! As for Regeneration, I just have not seen enough evidence to assure me that Ealing is getting good results.And I bet Mr Stacey could now do with that £50 bribe back in his coffers to pay for the lost planning appeal.

Your comments which I had not previously understood re Mipim now begin to make sense. Perhaps they should publish a list of all their properties so we may better know where to suspect some “planning”, or do we have to use the FOI? Our Tories need to tell us what they are up to if they want to trust us to vote in their trust. All this chest beating in AR and on some of the local Tory individual websites helps not one iota. In fact it is quite destructive.

I know some will get energised, but I long for more consensus politics so that we can have agreed long term plans on SOME items which all parties will sign up to. The Liberals are doing this in Hounslow. Some hope, but it is mature politics. Perhaps if fewer of us vote for the Ealing Tories, then we will have less of an oligarchy and far fewer disabled by deafness.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 15:24:00 George Knox
   Re:Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 15:35:00 Raymond Bradbury
      Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 16:07:00 Penny Crocker
         Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 18:28:00 Suki M Winterbottom
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 19:57:00 Graham Weeks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 20:34:00 Alan Brainsby
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 22:34:00 David Archer
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH09/12/09 13:28:00 Alan Brainsby
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH09/12/09 14:10:00 David Archer
   Re:Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 15:55:00 Arthur Breens
      Well done ERIC LEACH08/12/09 16:54:00 George Knox
   Re:Well done ERIC LEACH09/12/09 10:21:00 Suki M Winterbottom
      Well done ERIC LEACH09/12/09 11:00:00 George Knox
         Re:Well done ERIC LEACH09/12/09 12:03:00 Eric Alan Leach
            Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH09/12/09 17:02:00 Suki M Winterbottom
               Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH09/12/09 17:14:00 George Knox
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 10:31:00 Diane Gill
                     Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 13:52:00 George Knox
                        Re:Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 15:59:00 Peter Chadburn
   Re:Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 17:29:00 Mandy Reen
      Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 19:06:00 Alan Brainsby
         Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 19:23:00 Eric Alan Leach
      Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 20:45:00 Diane Gill
         Well done ERIC LEACH10/12/09 22:54:00 George Knox
            Re:Well done ERIC LEACH11/12/09 10:20:00 Arthur Breens
               Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH11/12/09 16:15:00 Mandy Reen
                  Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH11/12/09 18:05:00 Eric Alan Leach
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH11/12/09 22:57:00 Alan Brainsby
                        Well done ERIC LEACH11/12/09 23:39:00 George Knox
                           Re:Well done ERIC LEACH12/12/09 00:30:00 Alan Brainsby
                           Re:Well done ERIC LEACH14/12/09 23:34:00 Thomas Barry
                              Well done ERIC LEACH15/12/09 15:14:00 George Knox
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH12/12/09 09:39:00 Mandy Reen
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH12/12/09 19:55:00 Eric Alan Leach
                  Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH12/12/09 21:18:00 Will French
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH19/02/10 13:39:00 Paul Brooks
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Well done ERIC LEACH19/02/10 13:43:00 Chris Veasey
                           Well done ERIC LEACH19/02/10 18:39:00 George Knox
                              Re:Well done ERIC LEACH20/02/10 08:59:00 Chris Veasey

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