Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June
Posted by: Eric Alan Leach
Date/Time: 28/06/09 17:18:00

Complete shambles at Lido Junction today with road works; failed traffic lights; man in T-shirt directing the traffic; no-one directing pedestrian traffic; and half a mile queue back to Arcadia.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June10/06/09 16:57:00 David Highton
   Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June10/06/09 22:55:00 Alex Weel
   Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June11/06/09 13:02:00 David Eales
      Re:Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June24/06/09 11:25:00 Diane Gill
         Re:Re:Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June28/06/09 17:18:00 Eric Alan Leach
   Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June04/07/09 16:48:00 Arthur Breens

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