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Topic: Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June
Posted by: David Eales
Date/Time: 11/06/09 13:02:00

This has been a problem for as long as I have lived here.

It seems that anything that might affect traffic flow will not be considered but it's a sorry state of affairs given that West Ealing is effectivly cut in 2 at this junction.

In the days I had to push a pram there were some shops I couldn't contemplate visiting as it was just to difficult. Quite why the crossing at the east side is so far back is a msytery to me.

Why have the a toucan crossing outside the park but not a full ped. phase on the south side.

I was always interested as to exactly what would happen if the tram was going to be built, but the details for the this junction were never that detailed.

I'll try and be there Thursday - assuming I can cross the junction OK.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June10/06/09 16:57:00 David Highton
   Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June10/06/09 22:55:00 Alex Weel
   Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June11/06/09 13:02:00 David Eales
      Re:Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June24/06/09 11:25:00 Diane Gill
         Re:Re:Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June28/06/09 17:18:00 Eric Alan Leach
   Re:Meeting about pedestrian safety at Lido Junction Thurs 25th June04/07/09 16:48:00 Arthur Breens

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