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Topic: Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low
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Posted by: Paul Martin
Date/Time: 26/05/17 12:18:00

Planning a local family meal out, so checked the hygene rating on Food Standards Agency website.

- Mama's - 0 (urgent improvement necessary)
- India India - 1 (major improvement necessary)
- Nuki's - 2 (major improvement necessary)
- Happy garden - 1
- Mustang's - 2

All of the above we have used recently - disgusting.

Others to be aware of.

- Cafe Nell - 1
- Andy's Fish and chips - 1
- The Garden Cafe - 1
- Northfields Peri Peri - 1
- Zayka - 2
- Royal Peri Peri - 0
- Haweli - 0
- Tandoori Villa - 2

On the plus side Momento used to be a 2 now a 5.

I will vote with my feet.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 12:18:00 Paul Martin
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 13:19:00 Paul Gibbs
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 18:37:00 Tom Corrigan
      Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 07:08:00 Emma Renton
         Re:Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 08:57:00 Paul Martin

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