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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low
Posted by: Paul Martin
Date/Time: 27/05/17 08:57:00

The reason for the paperwork is to show that you are complying with hygene standards. For example, proof of how old the food is, is it within use by dates etc.?

People are free to ignore the Food Standards Agency and take a punt. Personally if my family got food poisoning and I had warning of the low hygene rating, I couldn't forgive myself. I prefer to take my custom to businesses that stay within the the food hygene legislation, often at additional expense.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 12:18:00 Paul Martin
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 13:19:00 Paul Gibbs
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 18:37:00 Tom Corrigan
      Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 07:08:00 Emma Renton
         Re:Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 08:57:00 Paul Martin

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