Forum Message

Topic: Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low
Posted by: Tom Corrigan
Date/Time: 26/05/17 18:37:00

Regarding your post, we have regularly eaten in Mamas - in fact weekly since they opened - and have never had any problems.  As for Nells can say the same.  Both are always very busy so other people must agree.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 12:18:00 Paul Martin
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 13:19:00 Paul Gibbs
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 18:37:00 Tom Corrigan
      Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 07:08:00 Emma Renton
         Re:Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 08:57:00 Paul Martin

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