Forum Message

Topic: Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low
Posted by: Paul Gibbs
Date/Time: 26/05/17 13:19:00


Glad to see that my favourite chippy (West Kebab) has four stars and that the lovely Michael Tsang and family at the Cathay Chef have five stars.

Very surprised though to see that Parker's Bakery (after their very open and swift action to eradicate a mouse infestation) is still shown as '0' stars.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 12:18:00 Paul Martin
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 13:19:00 Paul Gibbs
   Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low26/05/17 18:37:00 Tom Corrigan
      Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 07:08:00 Emma Renton
         Re:Re:Re:Northfields restaurants and takeaways hit new low27/05/17 08:57:00 Paul Martin

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