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Topic: Re:Japan disaster
Posted by: Barbara Yerolemou
Date/Time: 16/03/11 22:30:00

Thank you all.  It's good to hear the knowledgeable and reasoned contributions.  I also agree that somehow we should give practical help such as medical.  In a way I'm embarassed with reporters thrusting cameras into Japanese people's faces to show us their suffering.  Thank you Nigel for your news. I feel I'm more in touch with what is really happening and not just what the media (perhaps sensationally)chooses to tell me or show me.

   I did read on the front page of Actontoday that a Japanese restaurant at West Acton is fundraising and I popped in.  Apparently some Japanese people are going to Japan soon and will use the money to help but as has been pointed out the infrastructure is down. 

On the subject of Ealing Council - it has an emergency plan and it is reviewed frequently.  Of course, having a plan and carrying out exercises never really prepares you for the real thing.  Look at Japan.  There were barriers to hold back tsunamis until this big one came which smashed them to pieces.

I just stand in awe of the power of natural forces and feel so helpless when I see such disasters - Australia, New Zealand and now Japan.

If there are fellow posters who know personally of what is happening and know of any way we can help, please keep us up to date.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Japan disaster16/03/11 09:56:00 Barbara Yerolemou
   Japan disaster16/03/11 10:34:00 George Knox
      Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 13:31:00 Nigel Brooks
         Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 16:42:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 18:57:00 Robert Darke
            Re:Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 19:20:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Japan disaster28/03/11 08:22:00 Nigel Brooks
   Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 22:30:00 Barbara Yerolemou
      Re:Re:Japan disaster17/03/11 18:20:00 Nigel Brooks
   We Could...18/03/11 16:21:00 Maggie Tomlinson
   Pictures29/03/11 13:05:00 Nigel Brooks

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