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Topic: Japan disaster
Posted by: George Knox
Date/Time: 16/03/11 10:34:00

I agree.

With 9/11 the constant repetition on TV of what happened the horror of it somehow got far further in than most other recent disasters. I think the same is happening with the disaster in Japan. The pictures and associations are just so terrifying.

Do you know if outlets in the Borough have set up collection points for donations? Apart from sending a message has the Council done any thing to help, or help us to help the Japanese? And what about our distant Kiwi cousins?

What surprises me more broadly is that no one has commented on nuclear power or disaster planning..

Although unlikely to have an earthquake in Ealing no one seems to know a thing about disaster planning in the Borough. It is said that following the previous earthquake the Japanese at least had some better knowledge of how to deal with this one. So, for instance what would happen if we had to evacuate? We do live close to Heathrow.

As former Mayor what do you think about that? 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Japan disaster16/03/11 09:56:00 Barbara Yerolemou
   Japan disaster16/03/11 10:34:00 George Knox
      Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 13:31:00 Nigel Brooks
         Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 16:42:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 18:57:00 Robert Darke
            Re:Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 19:20:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Japan disaster28/03/11 08:22:00 Nigel Brooks
   Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 22:30:00 Barbara Yerolemou
      Re:Re:Japan disaster17/03/11 18:20:00 Nigel Brooks
   We Could...18/03/11 16:21:00 Maggie Tomlinson
   Pictures29/03/11 13:05:00 Nigel Brooks

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