Forum Message

Topic: Japan disaster
Posted by: Barbara Yerolemou
Date/Time: 16/03/11 09:56:00

I cant believe no-one is posting on the Japan catastrophe.  I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep worrying about the people both there and here.  I feel like I want to take in a Japanese family to do my bit to help.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Japan disaster16/03/11 09:56:00 Barbara Yerolemou
   Japan disaster16/03/11 10:34:00 George Knox
      Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 13:31:00 Nigel Brooks
         Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 16:42:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 18:57:00 Robert Darke
            Re:Re:Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 19:20:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Japan disaster28/03/11 08:22:00 Nigel Brooks
   Re:Japan disaster16/03/11 22:30:00 Barbara Yerolemou
      Re:Re:Japan disaster17/03/11 18:20:00 Nigel Brooks
   We Could...18/03/11 16:21:00 Maggie Tomlinson
   Pictures29/03/11 13:05:00 Nigel Brooks

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