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Topic: Reply
Posted by: N V Brooks
Date/Time: 17/06/22 17:02:00

If you go back half a century (for it was then that I worked for Johnson's and they moved to a site adjacent to West Ruislip station in the mid-1970's meaning the Celotex office closed) the insulation products were far less less technical -I can remember it being like two layers of thin plasterboard with a 'sandwich' of foam in between.

Celotex however in their originsal guise went  into administration owing to their exposure to lawsuits for the sale of asbestos-based products. They were a US company, the UK 'divorced' from them and then went through a series of mergers and takeovers.

A potted history here:

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)15/06/22 20:53:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)15/06/22 22:02:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)16/06/22 09:01:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)17/06/22 15:30:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)17/06/22 15:42:00 Jim Lawes
               Reply17/06/22 17:02:00 N V Brooks
                  Re:Reply17/06/22 18:03:00 Jim Lawes
                     Re:Re:Reply17/06/22 18:32:00 N V Brooks
                        "Grenfell" the news!05/09/24 22:42:00 Jim Lawes
                           Re:"Grenfell" the news!06/09/24 00:16:00 N V Brooks
                              Thanks for your posting too Raymond ...15/09/24 21:11:00 Jim Lawes

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