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Topic: Re:Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 16/06/22 09:01:00

You have to remember that Cellotex insulation products are in almost every home in one form or another.

The products have always carried warnings when installing and to handle with care.

The staff on the ground would be none the wiser than the rest of us.

Only the R&D and senior executives might have an idea of a products shortcomings.

The problems are the complete lack of building regulation updates and clarity. Lack of Independent, impartial testing with no internal or external influences. Plus the use of low skilled or even unskilled installers, with no concern for safety, just getting the job done quickly.

Other companies products in this vein are similar.

Insulation products since the late 1960s have been innovative and very necessary - as much as they are now, But many hazards were completely unknown and weeded out when found or revised and become part of the care of handling and installation.

Anyone over 40 who used the Tube will have breathed in decades of asbestos dust from brakes, tunnel dust and from fitments in trains and other enclosed sources. It was even used in schools.
But the hazards of asbestos were completely unknown.

A tested material but for it's qualities.  It was never tested for it's hazards.

A building in Brentford was demolished a few years back ( before Grenfell )
It was originally constructed using an asbestos mix concrete.
No precautions were taken apart from a one hose trying in vain to quell the rubble dust. Hopeless in the wind that prevailed for much of a month during this.

This was flagged up to the local authority who did nothing and actually dismissed resident concerns without investigation. The H&S executive were also contacted, who also did nothing as the council had not been in touch with them. In fact reporting things to the H&S is layered with bureaucracy making it almost impossible for individuals or insiders with professional knowledge to report.

If the ramifications of asbestos were immediate then I'm sure it will be another story, but barely anyone exposed even knows it and if things happen later the connection will never be provable.

Who knows how many other buildings have been demolished without due care and contaminated hundreds of local people.

Unfortunately, all these lessons have never been fully learned and still we see products passed that have deficiencies or hidden dangers from building materials to batteries.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)15/06/22 20:53:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)15/06/22 22:02:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)16/06/22 09:01:00 Raymond Havelock
         Re:Re:Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)17/06/22 15:30:00 Peter Chadburn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Grenfell Anniversary. / Cellotex (Ealing)17/06/22 15:42:00 Jim Lawes
               Reply17/06/22 17:02:00 N V Brooks
                  Re:Reply17/06/22 18:03:00 Jim Lawes
                     Re:Re:Reply17/06/22 18:32:00 N V Brooks
                        "Grenfell" the news!05/09/24 22:42:00 Jim Lawes
                           Re:"Grenfell" the news!06/09/24 00:16:00 N V Brooks
                              Thanks for your posting too Raymond ...15/09/24 21:11:00 Jim Lawes

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