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Topic: Re:Re:Please keep at it Mr Farmer!   👍
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 03/08/22 08:19:00

As you say, I generalised and Mr Evans has a point. There are things in place that should and ought to be enough.

However, if that too is corrupted by systemic failings and influences and fails to act on findings or procrastinates deliberately on findings and actions then that too is a serious disservice to the taxpaying public.

Unfortunately this is pretty evident to the point that making a complaint be it small or large is a arduous, costly and time consuming procedure and made so to deflect complaints.

For ordinary citizens it's a bit like making a planning objection. The grounds for the objection may well be valid and more often than not borne out to be 100% vindicated post build.

But you have to be able to be fluent in plannerspeak and with all their rules and regulations, most of which are impenetrable to make a simple point.

High level complaints are the same and all too often that process loses touch entirely with the initial point of the complaint.

Which leads me to the conclusion that what is in place is not satisfactory and is being used in a way that is not intended

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 08:00:00 Andrew Farmer
   Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 08:36:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 19:26:00 Peter Yale
      Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 11:26:00 Mark Evans
         Re:Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 15:10:00 Andrew Farmer
            Re:Re:Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 16:10:00 Mark Evans
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 17:22:00 Andrew Farmer
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE02/08/22 19:25:00 Rosco White
                     Please keep at it Mr Farmer!  👍02/08/22 19:27:00 Rosco White
                        Re:Please keep at it Mr Farmer!   👍03/08/22 07:34:00 Andrew Farmer
                           Re:Re:Please keep at it Mr Farmer!   👍03/08/22 08:18:00 Tony Heath
                           Re:Re:Please keep at it Mr Farmer!   👍03/08/22 08:19:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE06/08/22 07:41:00 Andrew Farmer
      Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE08/08/22 18:56:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE10/08/22 19:42:00 Peter Yale
         Re:Re:Re:EALING'S CORRUPT COMPLAINTS SERVICE11/08/22 08:32:00 Raymond Havelock

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