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Topic: Re:Gunnersbury Park parking charges update
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 11/11/21 12:22:00

Truly appalling along with the answerable to no-one senior management who did not take a salary reduction despite most not doing a full weeks work yet dumping the " We have no funds" moniker on the coal face staff who were either laid off, ditched or worked harder for less.

The fact that senior officials at both Ealing and Hounslow seem to turn a complete blind eye to this back door privatisation of a Public Park sold to the Local boroughs of the time for a nominal rate on the proviso that it becomes and remains a Public Park for the local people is also disturbing.

This Park has had grants and funding from all over the show. Effectively taxpayers money.  Whilst many improvements have been made, much is of self serving benefit and the many core things that need doing like walkable pathways, tree maintenance, preserving and reviving existing amenities have either not happened out been forced out.

It's been hijacked as a place for event venues, private ventures and the inference from it's webinars is "the local public are most privileged to continue to access the Grounds for free"

Lucky us.

Deluded and noses in the trough.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Gunnersbury Park parking charges update11/11/21 10:47:00 Andy Jones
   Re:Gunnersbury Park parking charges update11/11/21 12:22:00 Raymond Havelock
      Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park parking charges update16/11/21 12:48:00 Andy Jones
      Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park parking charges update18/11/21 16:45:00 Andrew Bond

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