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Topic: Re:Re:Reply
Posted by: Colin Goodman
Date/Time: 04/05/19 06:46:00

Your thread title asks a basic question and there is a basic answer to “has crime really got worse in Ealing?”


Forget statistics about muggings, in fact forget published figures all together as these can and are manipulated by the authorities to prove that reducing police numbers has had no effect.
If you live here just open your eyes and ears when you walk around; pay attention to the amount of low level crime that’s seemingly tolerated these days - fly tipping; graffiti, street begging, pavement fouling, vandalism etc, etc. I believe strongly in former NYC mayor Juliano’s “broken window” theory and this perceived low level crime breeds more crime and more serious crime.

Talk to the rank and file local police officers, those that are left, and see what they tell you on crime levels or the more violent nature of them. They may tell how the criminal fraternity now feel a level of almost impunity and how police morale is on its arse. They may tell you how crimes are these days being perpetrated by kids previously viewed as “below the criminal age of consent” and pretty serious crimes at that, these aren’t publicly recorded. They may even moan to you about the do-gooders ensuring that habitual young offenders aren’t criminalised and are given countless second chances and simply laugh at authorities whilst gaining a misplaced confidence that they are the next Al Capone.
Are your kids able to socialise without too much fear the way we were 3 or 4 decades ago? Are you able to walk about at night confidently? Do you have faith in the justice system to clamp down and be a deterrent?

The frightening thing on a wider view is that Ealing is far safer than many London areas. Whatever you do, don’t ask the same question to people in areas of Barnet, Hackney, Enfield etc, etc

Anyone who answers your question in the title as NO has no idea about what is actually going on out there at the moment in my humble opinion

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Has Crime Really Got Worse in Ealing?02/05/19 18:17:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
   Re:Has Crime Really Got Worse in Ealing?02/05/19 22:31:00 Rosco White
      Reply03/05/19 07:37:00 Gordon Southwell
         Re:Reply03/05/19 11:12:00 Vlod Barchuk
            Reply04/05/19 06:33:00 Gordon Southwell
            Re:Re:Reply04/05/19 06:46:00 Colin Goodman
               Re:Re:Re:Reply04/05/19 08:09:00 Philippa Bond
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply04/05/19 09:13:00 Chris Gilson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply05/05/19 09:58:00 Colin Goodman
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply05/05/19 11:27:00 Rosco White
                        Reply06/05/19 15:05:00 Gordon Southwell
                           Re:  Not enough police on the streets - or anywhere...06/05/19 15:51:00 Philippa Bond
                              Re:Re:  Not enough police on the streets - or anywhere...06/05/19 17:30:00 Philippa Bond
                                 Re:Re:Re:  Not enough police on the streets - or anywhere...07/05/19 08:10:00 Paul Corcoran
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:  Not enough police on the streets - or anywhere...16/05/19 18:42:00 Mari Austin
                                       Reply22/05/19 22:03:00 Gordon Southwell
                                          Re: Cheap phones are a great idea/Exclusions from School23/05/19 00:10:00 Philippa Bond
                                             Re:Re: Exclusions from School and Greater Division in Wealth25/05/19 07:13:00 Philippa Bond

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