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Topic: Reply
Posted by: Gordon Southwell
Date/Time: 03/05/19 07:37:00

The logic is sound but it might be a bit of a stretch to say the problem was worse over a decade ago. It is around 10 years since smartphones started to become prevalent and only more recently that children have started to have them.

When they first came out it was relatively simple to reset a stolen phone and put it on eBay for sale for a high price. This meant that stealing phones was very lucrative and about 7 or 8 years ago when the iPhone 4 was becoming ubiquitous there was a bonanza for thieves. Since then phones have been made more secure and people have become more conscious of security. You can still make use of a stolen phone if you know what you are doing but you can't just stick it on eBay so what people are willing to pay for stolen phones has fallen and so, up until recently had robberies of teens.

This is partly offset by parents giving their kids very expensive latest generation phones. Many don't seem to understand that they are giving their child kit worth a few hundred pounds to carry around. Some seem determined to advertise this by wearing Apple earbuds. Because most phones are effectively bought on HP through a contract people are unaware of how expensive they are. 

Robbers are attracted to Ealing because kids here will have more expensive phones than other areas. My advice would be to put your child on a sim only contract and give them a very basic smartphone

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Has Crime Really Got Worse in Ealing?02/05/19 18:17:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
   Re:Has Crime Really Got Worse in Ealing?02/05/19 22:31:00 Rosco White
      Reply03/05/19 07:37:00 Gordon Southwell
         Re:Reply03/05/19 11:12:00 Vlod Barchuk
            Reply04/05/19 06:33:00 Gordon Southwell
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                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply04/05/19 09:13:00 Chris Gilson
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                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply05/05/19 11:27:00 Rosco White
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                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:  Not enough police on the streets - or anywhere...16/05/19 18:42:00 Mari Austin
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