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Topic: Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road
Posted by: Graham Weeks
Date/Time: 16/08/10 06:18:00

This has been closed off without warning since Friday night and there are no warning signs as you approach from West Ealing so it has been chaos there all weekend. There are diversion signs  from the junction but these I think must send you back east on the A40 to do a u-turn at the gyratory. This takes the biscuit for bad traffic management. I hope it is/has been remedied soon.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road16/08/10 06:18:00 Graham Weeks
   Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road16/08/10 19:31:00 Colin Izzard
      Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road17/08/10 09:16:00 Diane Gill
         Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road17/08/10 13:15:00 Graham Weeks
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road17/08/10 19:25:00 Susan Kelly
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road17/08/10 20:46:00 Gillian Healey
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road17/08/10 21:32:00 Susan Kelly
                     :Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road02/09/10 08:25:00 ajit singh
   Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road03/09/10 00:10:00 Ben Owen
      Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road03/09/10 12:13:00 Peter Chadburn
         Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road03/09/10 17:20:00 Graham Weeks
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road05/09/10 01:38:00 Colin Izzard
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road05/09/10 15:48:00 Graham Weeks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Slip Road onto A40 westbound from Argyle Road05/09/10 22:00:00 Richard Jennings

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