Forum Message

Topic: Council tax decision 2010 2011
Posted by: George Knox
Date/Time: 01/04/10 08:15:00

Alan, your post makes no sense to me.

Nobody told us how to spend the money.

But inducements shortly before a national and local election stinks. They say every man has his price. Are you worth just £50? I suspect not.

How would £5000 per day suit you?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Council tax decision 2010 201124/02/10 23:14:00 George Knox
   Re:Council tax decision 2010 201126/02/10 04:15:00 Eric Alan Leach
      Re:Re:Council tax decision 2010 201109/03/10 15:25:00 George Knox
      Re:Re:Council tax decision 2010 201101/04/10 00:39:00 Wiktor Moszczynski
         Re:Re:Re:Council tax decision 2010 201101/04/10 06:59:00 Alan Brainsby
            Council tax decision 2010 201101/04/10 08:15:00 George Knox

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