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Topic: Urban Foxes
Posted by: Robin Hall
Date/Time: 18/09/09 10:43:00

It seems to me that the fox problem is getting worse and worse.  It's obviously bad at this time of year as this year's cubs are kicked out to make their own way in the world.  But things have been worse all summer, with foxes brazenly about in daylight.

Two neighbours have reported foxes breaking into houses, even going upstairs and raiding wardrobes for leather shoes and bags.  No, these weren’t two-legged burglars trying to disguise their activities, these creatures leave a very distinctive mess.

My wife has posted on the 5RF website a guide to what little we can do about this (see, but it seems that government, Council, RSPC etc. are united in washing their hands of any consequences.  Isn’t it about time that the definition of vermin was rethought, or do we have to wait for a child in their own home to be attacked before anyone does anything?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Urban Foxes18/09/09 10:43:00 Robin Hall
   Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 11:16:00 Penny Crocker
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 11:21:00 Robin Hall
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 13:24:00 G Lord
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 13:53:00 J Smith
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 16:39:00 Barbara Yerolemou
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 17:23:00 Robert Darke
   Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 18:44:00 Hugh jones
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 19:09:00 J Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 20:02:00 Diane Gill
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 20:50:00 Alan Brainsby
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes03/10/09 12:11:00 Dave Hughes
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes05/10/09 17:08:00 Carol Atkinson
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes06/10/09 16:40:00 Dave Hughes
   Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 21:16:00 Roz Crosby
   Re:Urban Foxes18/09/09 22:43:00 Graham Weeks
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes20/09/09 23:38:00 Alan Brainsby
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes21/09/09 06:40:00 J Smith
   Re:Urban Foxes19/09/09 15:42:00 Mavis Walker
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes19/09/09 17:15:00 Hugh jones
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes25/09/09 12:20:00 Tony Colliver
   Re:Urban Foxes23/09/09 23:18:00 Robin Hall
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes23/09/09 23:55:00 Alan Brainsby
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes24/09/09 06:20:00 Graham Weeks
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes24/09/09 12:07:00 J Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes25/09/09 14:27:00 Alan Brainsby
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes25/09/09 15:16:00 Graham Weeks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes25/09/09 19:54:00 Chris Bell
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes25/09/09 22:26:00 Alan Brainsby
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes29/09/09 15:41:00 Tony Stavides
   Re:Urban Foxes25/09/09 20:54:00 Tony Luckhurst
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes26/09/09 06:23:00 Graham Weeks
   Re:Urban Foxes29/09/09 17:27:00 Sarah Felstead
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes29/09/09 21:12:00 Roz Crosby
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes30/09/09 14:15:00 Barbara Yerolemou
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes01/10/09 01:01:00 Alan Brainsby
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes01/10/09 11:06:00 Barbara Yerolemou
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes01/10/09 11:17:00 Mark Yates
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes01/10/09 11:19:00 J Smith
               Hunting in groups01/10/09 13:05:00 Robin Hall
                  Re:Hunting in groups01/10/09 14:26:00 Julie Devine
                     Re:Re:Hunting in groups01/10/09 15:26:00 Tony Colliver
                     Re:Re:Hunting in groups01/10/09 15:43:00 Philip Slater
                        Re:Hunting in groups01/10/09 16:32:00 George Knox
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes03/10/09 12:15:00 Dave Hughes
   Re:Urban Foxes01/10/09 18:21:00 Melissa Davies-Wright
   Re:Urban Foxes08/10/09 16:11:00 Derek McNulty
      Re:Re:Urban Foxes08/10/09 16:23:00 Carol Atkinson
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes08/10/09 16:25:00 Dave Hughes
         Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes08/10/09 17:23:00 Derek McNulty
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes13/10/09 16:24:00 David Fox
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes13/11/09 19:58:00 Robert Darke
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes13/11/09 22:47:00 Alan Brainsby
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes19/11/09 01:17:00 Robin Taylor
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Urban Foxes19/11/09 11:45:00 Graham Weeks

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