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Topic: Catalan vs Matalan
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Posted by: Paul Cavanagh
Date/Time: 28/05/09 08:30:00

Was anyone else secretly pleased that last night exposed how desperately over hyped the Premier League is and that by far the best team in Europe won? The papers are already claiming that United would have won if a journeyman Scot had been available to close down Xavi and Iniesta in midfield but wouldn't it have been better if they had players that were as skilful as them?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 08:30:00 Paul Cavanagh
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 09:48:00 Eric Alan Leach
      Re:Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 10:59:00 Barbara Yerolemou
         Re:Re:Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 12:16:00 Graham Weeks
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 12:33:00 Jackie Raymond
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 12:30:00 Joanna Dabrowska
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 13:39:00 Philip Slater
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 15:19:00 Trizia Fiorellino
   One for the cognoscenti30/05/09 09:36:00 Colin Murphy

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