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Topic: Re:Catalan vs Matalan
Posted by: Eric Alan Leach
Date/Time: 28/05/09 09:48:00

As a ManU fan actually born in Manchester, I was naturally disappointed about last night. Man U appeared listless and yes Barca did play well. I don't think Fletcher's inclusion would have made much difference - the inclusion of Nobby Stiles at his best might have. To suggest that ManU doesn't have skilful players is laughable.

One team does not make a national premier league. I don't like the way that Murdoch manipulates the UK Premier League but I'm hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't think it's the best national football league in Europe.  After all 3 of the 4 semi-finalists in the European Cup (that was) were English Premiership teams.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 08:30:00 Paul Cavanagh
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 09:48:00 Eric Alan Leach
      Re:Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 10:59:00 Barbara Yerolemou
         Re:Re:Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 12:16:00 Graham Weeks
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 12:33:00 Jackie Raymond
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 12:30:00 Joanna Dabrowska
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 13:39:00 Philip Slater
   Re:Catalan vs Matalan28/05/09 15:19:00 Trizia Fiorellino
   One for the cognoscenti30/05/09 09:36:00 Colin Murphy

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