Forum Message

Topic: Re:Car Boot Sales
Posted by: Elaine Wong
Date/Time: 13/03/09 00:54:00

Just to let you know there will be a Car Boot Sale at Fielding School in Wyndham Rd, Northfields on 28th March from 9am - 1 pm.
Previews 9-9.30 cost £3, Entrance after 9.30 costs £1 (children under 12 free)
There will be cooked breakfasts for sale alongside the sellers, as well as a face painting stall for children.
It could be the perfect opportunity to find out why car boot sales are so popular, it's local and it won't cost you a fortune!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Car Boot Sales05/03/09 20:12:00 Charlie Arden
   Re:Car Boot Sales10/03/09 17:14:00 Viv Ellis
      Re:Re:Car Boot Sales10/03/09 17:40:00 Julia Hunt
         Re:Re:Re:Car Boot Sales10/03/09 20:45:00 Sara Nathan
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Car Boot Sales11/03/09 16:00:00 Viv Ellis
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Car Boot Sales11/03/09 16:30:00 Penny Crocker
   Re:Car Boot Sales11/03/09 16:36:00 Charlie Arden
   Re:Car Boot Sales13/03/09 00:54:00 Elaine Wong
   Re:Car Boot Sales14/03/09 11:36:00 Keith Iddon

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