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Topic: Re:Re:Re:We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 09/07/24 09:22:00

All very well building but what's that going to achieve?  Overdensidication means a need for all manner of infrastructure, most of which is unsustainable for such a condensed region.  The daft idea of 'wilding parks and putting in wetlands with no health and safety impact feasibility with a burgeoning mixed human population and thus reducing sport and open air activity further sums up the insanity of policy over common sense

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.08/07/24 12:12:00 Rosco White
   Re:We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.08/07/24 15:04:00 Eric Alan Leach
      Re:Re:We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.08/07/24 15:08:00 Simon Hayes
         Re:Re:Re:We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.09/07/24 09:22:00 Raymond Havelock
            Re:Re:Re:Re:We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.10/07/24 17:01:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.16/07/24 06:19:00 Bettina Margaret Thwaite
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:We have interesting changes to Planning Legislation about to happen.16/07/24 14:16:00 Philippa Bond

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