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Topic: Re:Re:Gurnell Swimming Pool
Posted by: David Marshall
Date/Time: 25/06/24 10:17:00

Yes, it looks uninsurable. There are additional questions – unanswered by the developer – about dangers to structural stability and the desirability of allowing millions of gallons of water to flood the foundations of a high-rise building.

And then there is the question of water contamination. If (when) it all floods, water entering the car park will become contaminated by oil and particulate residues – all of which will eventually end up back in the River Brent. A huge amount of accumulated filth.

Plus, I quite liked this bit (in the planning application): “Internal doors… will be watertight flood gates and will be closed on reception of a flood warning from the EA.”

Let’s hope they check no one’s still down there when they lock the doors.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Gurnell Swimming Pool20/06/24 12:55:00 Eric Alan Leach
   Re:Gurnell Swimming Pool25/06/24 09:38:00 Mark Evans
      Re:Re:Gurnell Swimming Pool25/06/24 10:17:00 David Marshall
         Re:Re:Re:Gurnell Swimming Pool05/09/24 00:46:00 Anthony Hawran
   Re:Gurnell Swimming Pool05/10/24 10:06:00 Eric Alan Leach
      Re:Re:Gurnell Swimming Pool05/10/24 15:19:00 Phil Kay
      Re:Re:Gurnell Swimming Pool09/10/24 09:11:00 Peter Yale

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