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Topic: Re:It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.
Posted by: Susan Kelly
Date/Time: 25/06/24 08:18:00

I get the impression that tactical voting will play a bigger part this time than it ever has in my fifty-year voting lifetime.

Definitely one to sit up for.

Not long now.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.24/06/24 20:48:00 Rosco White
   Re:It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.24/06/24 22:34:00 Keith Iddon
      Re:Re:It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.24/06/24 22:54:00 Rosco White
   Re:It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.25/06/24 08:18:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Re:It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.25/06/24 09:35:00 Mark Evans
         Re:Re:Re:It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.25/06/24 10:20:00 Rosco White
            Re:Re:Re:Re:It's rumoured that Reform are on an eleventh hour Roll....pinching votes from everywhere.30/06/24 14:51:00 Rosco White

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