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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy
Posted by: Simon Hayes
Date/Time: 24/09/22 15:23:00

Stop preaching at everyone you simpleton.

Climate change has been happening since the end of the last ice age. Yes, humans have contributed to an acceleration but temperatures were going to rise anyway.

What you fail to comprehend is how those nice big wind turbines are made. Carbon fibre requires temperatures in excess of 1000 degrees to manufacture. They use filthy fossil fuels to reach those temperatures. Strangely enough they also make bikes from carbon fibre, including ones from ‘cycling commissioner’ Chris Boardman. Just fancy that!

What makes your constant bleating about other people’s responsibilities laughable is your inconsistency. Too many cars on the road, yet you drive one when it suits you. Supporting Heathrow expansion isn’t in any way going to reduce emissions either. Oh, and I bet you’ve got a wood burner at home for those cosy winter nights.

And 10,000 people have to be housed somewhere. The solution seems to be massive tower blocks which produce huge amounts of CO2 in construction and then have a life expectancy of less than 50 years.

It’s incredible that you really don’t seem to understand anything.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 11:41:00 Susan O'Leary
   Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 13:15:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 14:49:00 Paul James
         Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 16:34:00 N V Brooks
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 17:01:00 Paul James
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 17:23:00 N V Brooks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 17:42:00 Simon Hayes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 18:15:00 N V Brooks
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy21/09/22 18:55:00 Simon Hayes
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy22/09/22 09:20:00 Raymond Havelock
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy23/09/22 19:12:00 Tony Colliver
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy23/09/22 19:27:00 Simon Hayes
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy23/09/22 19:57:00 N V Brooks
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy22/09/22 09:48:00 Paul James
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy22/09/22 10:08:00 N V Brooks
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy22/09/22 11:26:00 Simon Hayes
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy22/09/22 22:53:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy23/09/22 05:48:00 N V Brooks
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy23/09/22 10:10:00 Simon Hayes
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy23/09/22 10:22:00 N V Brooks
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy23/09/22 11:25:00 Simon Hayes
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy24/09/22 08:56:00 Paul James
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy24/09/22 11:55:00 Simon Hayes
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy24/09/22 15:01:00 Paul James
                                                Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy24/09/22 15:23:00 Simon Hayes
   Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy24/09/22 20:42:00 Simon Hayes
      Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy25/09/22 11:47:00 Paul James
         Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy25/09/22 11:59:00 Simon Hayes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy25/09/22 17:39:00 Paul James
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy25/09/22 18:15:00 Peter Yale
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy25/09/22 19:12:00 Simon Hayes
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Parents for Future to hold pop-up kids wind farm to raise awareness of green energy26/09/22 13:56:00 Peter Yale

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