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Topic: Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!
Posted by: Michael Brandt
Date/Time: 11/12/10 11:20:00

Go back, photograph the signs and the location.
Then send in an appeal.
A business has no means of allowing parking if there are clear restrictions.
Unless they have had a dispensation from the authority.
Speak to the manager of the business. If they have a dispensation to allow loading/ parking then they will have a reference that you can also submit.

If not send the bill to the company and report them to trading standards for deception, again use a photo of the sign as evidence

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 10:38:00 Andy Holt
   Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 11:19:00 Michael Brandt
   Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 11:20:00 Michael Brandt
   Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 22:23:00 Nick Jenkins
      Re:Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!12/12/10 23:07:00 David Archer
         Re:Re:Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!12/12/10 23:53:00 Sara Nathan
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!13/12/10 12:10:00 Andy Holt

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