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Topic: Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!
Posted by: Andy Holt
Date/Time: 11/12/10 10:38:00

Last night (Friday 10th December) at around 6 pm I went to buy a Christmas tree from 'The Christmas Forest' outlet opposite the Ramada Hotel with my 10 year old daughter to buy a Christmas tree.

I parked immediately outside of the fence to the outlet where there was a notice which said clearly that the area was 'designated parking for customers of the Christmas Forest'.

Within less than 10 minutes we had purchased a tree but when we returned to the car to load up, an Ealing traffic warden was in the process of giving me a parking ticket.

He refused to withdraw the ticket as apparently no-one from the company had had the area de-designated from a single yellow line which was in force until 6:30 pm, even though I said I was loading up. He said that there had been a couple of incidents before where he had pointed this out to staff working at the facility so effectively I am the sacrificial lamb(!). We tried to make him see reason and to take it up with the company but as the law stands I am unlikely to win an appeal, given that the notice was on private land, and that the company had apparently been warned that parking was not permitted on that road at that time. It also is an utter waste of my time in this busy festive season and caused my daughter considerable distress in what should have been a pleasant family experience.

In future I will buy my Christmas tree from an outlet where a £100 parking fine does not come as part of the package....

Have any other readers had a similar experience or know of other examples of council wardens showing a complete lack of flexibility or common sense?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 10:38:00 Andy Holt
   Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 11:19:00 Michael Brandt
   Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 11:20:00 Michael Brandt
   Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!11/12/10 22:23:00 Nick Jenkins
      Re:Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!12/12/10 23:07:00 David Archer
         Re:Re:Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!12/12/10 23:53:00 Sara Nathan
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Meanest traffic warden in Ealing??!!13/12/10 12:10:00 Andy Holt

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