Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking
Posted by: Robert Darke
Date/Time: 28/10/10 22:31:00

Expect a series of half-baked fudges to try and placate the growing friction. The next one is likely to be a cock-eyed attempt to define carers which because of the difficult to grade levels of support offered by family, friends and agencies will lead to widespread abuse.
Lets keep a lower skyline and lower CPZ charges than surrounding boroughs!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 14:49:00 Kathy Murch
   Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 16:42:00 Fergus Obrien
      Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 22:31:00 Robert Darke
   Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 21:46:00 George Knox
      Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 22:05:00 Alan Brainsby
   Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 22:30:00 Bob Roberts
      Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 22:50:00 Alan Brainsby
      Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 23:10:00 Phil Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking28/10/10 23:18:00 Bob Roberts
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking29/10/10 08:45:00 Phil Taylor
               Council fleecing residents over parking29/10/10 12:29:00 George Knox
                  Re:Council fleecing residents over parking29/10/10 12:51:00 Kathy Murch
                     Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking31/10/10 07:39:00 Arthur Breens
                        Re:Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking01/11/10 15:53:00 Phil Taylor
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Council fleecing residents over parking01/11/10 15:59:00 Peter Chadburn
                              Council fleecing residents over parking02/11/10 19:35:00 George Knox

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