Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?
Posted by: Tony Heath
Date/Time: 01/08/22 19:54:00

Ditto, totally agree with Anthony Hawran. Never give the upper hand to the the council bar stewards by setting up a direct debit with them. 
Ask to pay the CT in monthly instalments, and pay online or at a bank. Stay in control of your financial transactions, don't put it in the hands of the numpties in the town hall.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Anyone having issues paying their council tax?23/07/22 12:26:00 Simon Wycombe
   Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 16:24:00 Simon Wycombe
      Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 19:19:00 Anthony Hawran
         Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 19:25:00 Anthony Hawran
         Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 19:54:00 Tony Heath
         Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?02/08/22 13:08:00 Simon Wycombe
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?07/08/22 19:20:00 Nicholas Beard
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?07/08/22 19:47:00 N V Brooks

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