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Topic: Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?
Posted by: Anthony Hawran
Date/Time: 01/08/22 19:19:00

I myself would not set up a direct debit with L.B. of Ealing. They just use the people to endear themselves to developers at your expense.

However L.B. of Ealing's banking details are as follows: -
sort code - 30-00-00; account number - 02390140

Simon, just pay them monthly at a PayPoint place, or through your bank/building society, on an ad hoc basis. Obviously have your "Council Tax Bill" at hand when doing this.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Anyone having issues paying their council tax?23/07/22 12:26:00 Simon Wycombe
   Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 16:24:00 Simon Wycombe
      Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 19:19:00 Anthony Hawran
         Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 19:25:00 Anthony Hawran
         Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?01/08/22 19:54:00 Tony Heath
         Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?02/08/22 13:08:00 Simon Wycombe
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?07/08/22 19:20:00 Nicholas Beard
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Anyone having issues paying their council tax?07/08/22 19:47:00 N V Brooks

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