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Topic: Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 09/08/20 19:34:00

I agree.  My FIL even when he was registered blind was difficult to get a Blue Badge for.  It was supposed to be straightforward but wasn't because of all the ID required.  He had no current Passport, no current driving licence, no gun licence and because his sight had been bad for a while was probably ahead of a lot of other people in getting all his bills etc  paid by direct debit so never had any paper ones.  They didn't like the photos we took (although alright for other agencies) and it was very difficult getting out and about to get photos taken.  We always needed to find accessible buildings for appointments and despite a Disability Discrimination Act it is amazing how so many important buildings eg Post Offices and Solicitors Ofices still have steps.  Not to mention STATIONS!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough30/07/20 09:55:00 Tricia Arbuthnot
   Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough30/07/20 10:14:00 Raymond Havelock
      Reply30/07/20 10:56:00 Gordon Southwell
         Re:Reply30/07/20 13:28:00 Peter Chadburn
            Disabled Parking30/07/20 15:19:00 Peter Jones
         Re:Reply30/07/20 17:14:00 N V Brooks
            Re:Re:Reply30/07/20 18:58:00 Barbara Hankins
               Re:Re:Re:Reply30/07/20 19:21:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply04/08/20 14:55:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply06/08/20 14:41:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough06/08/20 14:26:00 Peter Jones
      Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough07/08/20 21:50:00 Raymond Havelock
         Reply07/08/20 23:33:00 N V Brooks
         Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough07/08/20 23:37:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 00:26:00 N V Brooks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 09:18:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 11:39:00 Rosco White
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough08/08/20 12:29:00 Raymond Havelock
                        Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough09/08/20 19:34:00 Philippa Bond
                           Re:Re:Major Squeeze on Parking Spaces in the Borough10/08/20 16:47:00 Andy Jones
                              Reply11/08/20 11:26:00 Gordon Southwell

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